Barr Lab, Monash University


I am always looking for new and exciting ways to present and share my research and knowledge about bacteriophage - the viruses of bacteria. If you have any exciting and collaborative ideas, please contact me.

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Viruses of Microbes 2024 meeting in Cairns, Australia

Jeremy J. Barr was the convenor and organiser for this international phage meeting.

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Radio (2024)

ABC Life Matters

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First phage therapy case with Barr-lab produced phages

Old Cure Revived, The Age

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Beating the Superbugs episode, A Different Lens

A Different Lens by Monash University

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As antibiotic resistance threatens millions of lives, is phage therapy the best alternative?

Phage Therapy, Sydney Morning Herald

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We Might Absorb Billions of Viruses Every Day

The Atlantic by Ed Yong.

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Gut Feelings exhibition at Melbourne Museum

Melbourne Museum, Gut Feelings exhibit

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The Invisible War: A Tale on Two Scales

Small Friends Books

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Novel phage therapy saves patient with multidrug-resistant bacterial infection


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Discovered in WWI, bacterial viruses may be our allies in a post-antibiotic age

The Conversation

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A Virus Shield

The Economist

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Meet Your New Symbionts: Trillions of Viruses

National Geographic

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Viruses in the Gut Protect From Infection

Nature News

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Friendly Viruses Protect Us Against Bacteria

Science News

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Reddit ask me anything

Reddit AMA

© 2024, All Rights Reserved.
The Barr Laboratory
Monash University

School of Biological Sciences,
17 Rainforest Walk,
Clayton Campus, Monash University,
Clayton, VIC, 3800, AUSTRALIA

Contact Information